For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16



A brief summary of how we are a church that believes that we are more than a church we're a family.


Casa de Oracion

A brief summary of the Casa De Oracion Church group. Provide a link to the main church.


Little Rock

A brief summary of Little Rock and the recent growth of the Hispanic community

1En el principio era el Verbo, y el Verbo era con Dios, y el Verbo era Dios. 2Éste era en el principio con Dios. 3Todas las cosas por él fueron hechas, y sin él nada de lo que ha sido hecho, fue hecho. 4En él estaba la vida, y la vida era la luz de los hombres. 5La luz en las tinieblas resplandece, y las tinieblas no prevalecieron contra ella.

St John 1:1-5



Point 1

French cuisine consists of cooking traditions and practices from France, famous for the rich tastes and subtle nuances with long and rich history. France, a country famous for its agriculture and independently minded peasants, was long a creative powerbase for delicious recipes, that are both healthy and refined.

Point 2

Yacht racing is a popular sport and high-performance catamarans have been developed specifically for the lake. The design of the Alinghi 5, the defender of the 2010 America's Cup, was influenced by those racing catamarans. The best-known event runs from Geneva to the end of the lake and back.

Point 3

The beauty of the shores of the lake and of the sites of many of the places near its banks has long been celebrated. On the south side the mountains of Savoy and Valais are for the most part rugged and sombre, while those of the northern shore fall in gentle vine-covered slopes, thickly set with villages and castles. 


Sergio y Monica Macuil

Serving God since the beginning

A brief summary of their marriage, their years in the ministry, their kids and words of inspiration to other couples.



Our church building is on Stagecoach near highway 430. For more accurate directions please click the "Google" icon on the map below.



We have services for you and your family can grow and flourish with the Word of God and enjoy the company of our fellow brother and sisters.


General Service

Sunday - 2 pm

Wednesday - 7 pm

Music Practice

Martes - 7 pm

In the sanctuary

Bible Study

Tuesday - 7 pm

In the kitchen

Prayer meeting

Friday - 7 pm

In the sanctuary



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A collection of photos of our church. If you want to share your own photos of our church please contact us below.


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Each sermon is placed on our podcast for your convenience for more information click the link above.







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